Results for "A"

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  Title Copies
Acoustic Communication, 2nd Edition 
Edition: 2 
Year: 2000 
ISBN: 1567505368 
ISBN 13: 9781567505368 
Augmenting Urban Space with Environmental Soundscapes and Mobile Technologies 
Volume: 16 
Year: 2017 
Audiovisual Installation as Ecological Performativity: A creative researchpractice 
Year: 2017 
A beginner's guide to field recording 
Year: 2014 
Against Soundscape 
Volume: Autumn leaves: sound and the environment in artistic practice 
Year: 2007 
Acoustic Ecology and the Soundscape Bibliography 
Year: 2003 
Anatomy of the Soundscape: Evolving Perspectives 
Year: 2008 
A Study of the World Soundscape Project 
Year: 1982 
Acoustic sustainability in urban design: lessons from the World Soundscape Project 
Year: 2019 
A survey of community noise by-laws in Canada 
Year: 1972