Discovery of Sound In The Sea

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The Discovery of Sound in the Sea website will introduce you to the science and uses of Sound in the Sea. There are several major sections on the site such as The Science of Sound in the Sea, People and Sound in the Sea, and Animals and Sound in the Sea. You will find the site’s Audio Gallery a fascinating place to visit where you can listen to underwater sounds created by marine animals, human activities, and natural phenomena such as lightning, earthquakes, and rain. Check out the Technology Gallery and discover a variety of equipment that uses sound to investigate the ocean. Watch video interviews with scientists that study how marine animals produce and hear sounds. Investigate how scientists use underwater acoustics to track ocean currents, identify potential obstacles, and quantify fish distributions. There are also resources for many specialized audiences, including teachers, students, the media, and decision makers.

The Discovery of Sound in the Sea website focuses on acoustics in the ocean. However, much of the information about sound in the ocean and underwater bioacoustics are true for all aquatic environments.

The Discovery of Sound in the Sea website has been developed by the University of Rhode Island’s (URI) Graduate School of Oceanography (GSO) in partnership with Inspire Environmental of Newport, RI. Many other people contributed to the site, including independent scientific reviewers and ten Rhode Island school teachers. This site and its resources were developed and produced with funding from the U.S. Office of Naval Research, U.S. National Science Foundation, U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the E&P Sound & Marine Life Joint Industry Programme, and the International Association of Geophysical Contractors. Other contributors are acknowledged below.

Special thanks go to Dr. Peter Worcester who conceptualized the DOSITS website in 2000 and has been instrumental in the project’s growth and success. As the lead member of the DOSITS Advisory Panel until 2018, Dr. Worcester has contributed substantially to the foundational content of the website, particularly the Science of Sound in the Sea and Advanced Topic web pages. He has been a driving force to develop rigorous, peer-reviewed content, working long hours with the DOSITS team to transform complex scientific concepts into text that can be grasped by all readers, embracing the DOSITS motto of “accurate, if not necessarily complete.” As a highly respected researcher with the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Dr. Worcester has spent many years in the field conducting low-frequency, long-range acoustic experiments. He has brought his real-world experiences to the DOSITS project, providing the team with cutting edge knowledge of the latest research, as well as gorgeous photographs of his adventures. 
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