
Publisher: Journal of Ecoacoustics [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Acoustic indices applied to biodiversity monitoring in a Costa Rica dry tropical forest 
Volume: 2 (1) 
Year: 2018 
Long-duration, false-colour spectrograms for detecting species in large audio data-sets 
Volume: 2 (1) 
Year: 2018 
Songbird community response to regeneration of reclaimed wellsites in the boreal forest of Alberta 
Volume: 3 
Year: 2019 
Spatiotemporal patterns of avian vocal activity in relation to urban and rural background noise 
Volume: 1 (1) 
Year: 2017 
Environmental factors could constrain the use of long-range vocal signals in solitary tuco-tucos (Ctenomys; Rodentia, Ctenomyidae) reproduction 
Volume: 1 (1) 
Year: 2011 
Temporal variation in acoustic and visual signalling as a function of stream background noise in the Bornean foot-flagging frog, Staurois parvus 
Volume: 1 (1) 
Year: 2017 
Temporal variation in acoustic and visual signalling as a function of stream background noise in the Bornean foot-flagging frog, Staurois parvus 
Volume: 1 (1) 
Year: 2017 
Vocalizing during gaps in anthropogenic noise is an uncommon trait for enhancing communication in songbirds 
Volume: 1 (1) 
Year: 2017 
Seasonal changes in acoustic detection of forest birds 
Volume: 2 (1) 
Year: 2018 
Marine soundscape planning: Seeking acoustic niches for anthropogenic sound 
Volume: 2 (1) 
Year: 2018