New Arrivals

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  Title Copies
Regional soundscape modeling of the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelfa) 
Volume: 156 
Year: 2024 
Soundscapes of Tango: Criollismo, the Dissonances of Modernity, and Peronism 
Year: 2024 
Temporal dynamics of acoustic diversity in managed forests 
Volume: 12 
Year: 2024 
Noise Mapping and Impact of COVID-19 Lock Down on Traffic Noise Induced Health Issues Using SEM Approach 
Volume: 18 
Year: 2024 
Cultural soundscape as intangible or tangible cultural heritage 
Volume: 268 
Year: 2023 
Data governance for soundscape studies 
Volume: 270 
Year: 2024 
Creative use of soundscape/smellscape protocols for integrated spatial understandings 
Volume: 270 
Year: 2024 
How does visual context of urban open spaces drive soundscape pleasantness and eventfulness: a laboratory experiment using a higher order Ambisonics speaker system and immersive virtual reality 
Volume: 270 
Year: 2024 
Physiological responses to soundscape recordings in a laboratory experiment 
Volume: 270 
Year: 2024 
Generating a virtual acoustic environment to approximate the soundscape of a historical cathedral 
Volume: 270 
Year: 2024