Results for "U"

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  Title Copies
UK and Ireland Soundscape Community 
Ukraine Grief – with Nataliia Kurhan 
Year: 2022 
Under the sea, human-made noise is threatening animals’ soundscapes and ecosystems 
Year: 2023 
Understanding the Role of Visitor Behavior in Soundscape Restorative Experiences in Urban Parks 
Volume: 15 
Year: 2024 
Underwater soundscapes within critical habitats of the endangered Hawaiian monk seal: implications for conservation 
Volume: 54 
Year: 2024 
Underwater Speakers Help Revive Dying Coral Reefs, Study Finds 
Edition: 2019 
Unheard Landscapes 
Year: 2022 
Unlikely Issue 6: Translating Ambiance 
Volume: 6 
Year: 2021 
Unlocking the soundscape of coral reefs with artificial intelligence 
Year: 2024 
Urban Sound Environment 
Edition: 1 
Year: 2020 
ISBN: 0367865203 
ISBN 13: 9780367865207