Results for "A"

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  Title Copies
A Town of Soniferous Delights: The Psychoacoustics of Class in Blackpool 
Year: 2023 
A variable selection analysis for soundscape emotion modelling using decision tree regression and modern information criteria 
Year: 2024 
Acidification, Annihilation, Extinction: Exploring Environmental Crisis on the Great Barrier Reef Through Collaborative Ecological Sound Art 
Volume: Gothic in the Oceanic South 
Year: 2023 
Acouscapes: A software for ecoacoustic education and soundscape composition in primary and secondary education 
Year: 2023 
Acoustic Biodiversity 
Volume: 31 
Year: 2021 
Acoustic Communication Bibliography 
Year: 2002 
Acoustic Communication, 2nd Edition 
Edition: 2 
Year: 2000 
ISBN: 1567505368 
ISBN 13: 9781567505368 
Acoustic ecologist Kaitie Sly explores unheard world of ambient sound 
Year: 2019 
Acoustic Ecology – An International Symposium (Melbourne, Australia) 
Year: 2003 
Acoustic Ecology and the Soundscape Bibliography 
Year: 2003