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  Title Copies
Using iMovie for Soundscape Composition in General Music 
Volume: 35 (3) 
Year: 2022 
They met on a promenade in Nice. Now this couple makes a living traveling in a world of sounds 
Year: 2022 
Sounding Extremes: Ecological sound art in the Anthropocene 
Volume: 32 (2) 
Year: 2022 
FreesoundVR: soundscape composition in virtual reality using online sound repositories 
Year: 2022 
Music professor receives patent to help fight bark beetles ravaging Western forests 
Year: 2017 
Loud but Non-lethal: Acoustic Stagings and State-Sponsored Violence 
Year: 2015 
'The Scream': Israel Blasts Protesters With Sonic Gun 
Year: 2011 
Jim Metzner: Pulses and Other Sounds 
Year: 2022 
Soundscape of the Ruhr: Sensitive Sounds . Between Documentation, Composition and Historical Research 
Volume: 26 (1) 
Year: 2022 
Assessing Oenosthesia: Blending wine and sound 
Volume: 3 (2) 
Year: 2018