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  Title Copies
The Speed of Sound on Mars Is Strangely Different, Scientists Reveal 
Year: 2022 
What does racial (in)justice sound like? On listening, acoustic violence and the booing of Adam Goodes 
Volume: 32 (4) 
Year: 2018 
Impact of Vessel Transit on Vocalizations of the Taiwanese Humpback Dolphin 
Volume: 14 
Year: 2022 
Freshwater Ecoacoustics—A New Addition to the Limnologists’ Methods Toolkit 
Volume: 4 
Year: 2022 
Saving The Sounds of Ancient City 
Year: 2022 
Recording Meta-Soundscapes: Synchronized multi-frame audio field-recording at a large spatial scale 
Year: 2020 
Squid find noisy boats deafening 
Year: 2023 
Fish sounds could help scientists understand their watery world 
Year: 2023 
Inuit warn ‘rock concert’ of noise from ships is hurting Arctic wildlife 
Year: 2023 
Our oceans aren’t just warming — they sound different 
Year: 2022