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Whales Have an Alphabet 
Year: 2024 
The Coronavirus Quieted City Noise. Listen to What’s Left 
Scientific Sonification – The Sound of Corona 
Whoops and grunts: ‘bizarre’ fish songs raise hopes for coral reef recovery 
Year: 2021 
Rock concert: Yellowstone seismic activity to be performed on live flute 
Year: 2023 
Penguins in the pond, kiwi in the back yard: how a city brought back its birds 
Year: 2024 
World faces ‘deathly silence’ of nature as wildlife disappears, warn experts 
Year: 2024 
No birdsong, no water in the creek, no beating wings: how a haven for nature fell silent 
Year: 2024 
Why lockdown silence was golden for science 
Year: 2020 
Climate crisis has frogs in Puerto Rico croaking at a higher pitch 
Year: 2023