New Arrivals

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  Title Copies
The Sound of Life: The Making of a Soundscape (Part 2) 
Year: 2017 
Developing a Design Methodology for the Creation of Historic Soundscapes 
Year: 2015 
Acoustic ecologist Kaitie Sly explores unheard world of ambient sound 
Year: 2019 
Listen to These Amazing Sounds of Lost Places and Animals Within Them 
Year: 2022 
Life in the soil was thought to be silent. What if it isn’t? 
Year: 2022 
Der britische Klangkünstler/British sound artist Peter Cusack: Sounds of Dangerous Places 
Year: 2021 
Hushcity Soundmap 
Evaluation of Soundscapes in Urban Parks in Olsztyn (Poland) for Improvement of Landscape Design and Management 
Volume: 10 
Year: 2021 
Black Flânerie, Non-White Soundscapes, and the Fantastic in Teju Cole's Open City 
Volume: 26 (2) 
Year: 2020 
Sound Narrative: Honing a Deeper Understanding of Soundscapes 
Volume: 8 (10) 
Year: 2020 
ISSN: 23179937