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Oshawa activist confronts city’s first people repellant 
Year: 2022 
Rock concert: Yellowstone seismic activity to be performed on live flute 
Year: 2023 
The interdisciplinary Development of the Term “Soundscape”; Tracing its Ecological Roots 
Year: 2016 
Why lockdown silence was golden for science 
Year: 2020 
'The Scream': Israel Blasts Protesters With Sonic Gun 
Year: 2011 
'Wave of silence' spread around world during coronavirus pandemic 
Year: 2020 
‘More of an effect than you can imagine’: Restoring Notre-Dame’s ancient acoustics 
Year: 2023 
”Emme ole koskaan nähneet vastaavaa” – Linnut laulavat kovempaa koronan takia (“We’ve never seen anything like it” - Birds sing louder because of the corona) 
Year: 2020 
A Gulf in lockdown: How an enforced ban on recreational vessels increased dolphin and fish communication ranges 
Year: 2021 
A Phenomenon Discovered While Imaging Dolphin Echolocation Sounds 
Volume: 6 (4) 
Year: 2016