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Interview: Listen(n) with Garth Paine  
Volume: Wave Farm - Making Waves 
Year: 2019 
...We All Fall Down | UK Coronavirus | A Listening Journey 
Year: 2020 
EcoSonics - Psychoacoustic Diversity Modeling for Environmental Management in McDowell Sonoran Preserve 
Year: 2015 
The Ecological And Evolutionary Consequences Of Noise-Induced Acoustic Habitat Loss 
Year: 2015 
Borror Lab of Bioacoustics 
Year: 1948 
Emotional associations with soundscape reflect human-environment relationships 
Volume: 2 (1) 
Year: 2018 
A Gulf in lockdown: How an enforced ban on recreational vessels increased dolphin and fish communication ranges 
Year: 2021 
Year: 2013 
Max Neuhaus, R. Murray Schafer, and the Challenges of Noise 
Year: 2018 
”Emme ole koskaan nähneet vastaavaa” – Linnut laulavat kovempaa koronan takia (“We’ve never seen anything like it” - Birds sing louder because of the corona) 
Year: 2020